Italian is the official language of Italy and one of the four official languages in Switzerland. You’ll find Italian speakers in Malta, Vatican State, San Marino, Croatia, lovenia and France (especially in Corsica)Italian is also the second most spoken language in Argentina. It has however seen a decline in the African countries of Eritrea and Libya, which used to be Italian colonies
The historic influence of Italian culture in terms of music, food, architecture, design, literature and science is very prominent in other languages
Have you ever said ciao?
Have you eaten al fresco, ordered a pizza, spaghetti, broccoli or acappuccino?
Fiasco and propaganda are also of Italian origin.
Even if you’re not an opera fan, you might be familiar with maestro,orchestra, piano and solo. You might even sing a cappella in your shower!
Other words have a different spelling, but they are still very close to English and you can figure out their meaning, such as teatro, cattedrale or caffèWith Italian, si legge come si scrive, it’s read as it’s written so, helpfully, it looks similar to how it sounds
Pronunciation is clear with every vowel distinctly enunciated and thesing-song intonation makes sounds easier to identify. Vocabulary is similar to other languages of Latin originNouns can be masculine or feminine and, as a result, adjectives need to agree with them. There are six endings for each verb tense
Although certain aspects of the language can seem tricky at first, grasp some simple rules and you’ll be able to communicate in a variety of situations